Anti-rape female condom is the discovery Sonette Ehlers, awoman from South Africa. The aim was to prevent rape, wherecondoms are clamping penis attack, injure and make it viable.
Anti-rape female condom
This is a tool that is a bag of latex spines of microscopic metal into the other, and worn by a woman in her vagina like a tampon. Whenhe attacked and tried to rape the consumer through the vagina,penis enters the latex bag was punctured and spines, causing painand (hopefully) giving the victim time to escape.
Anti-rape female condom
Condoms will remain attached to the body of the attacker and can only be removed with minor surgery, and thus be forced to call thehospital and the police.
Anti-rape female condom
Besides functioning as normal female condoms, to preventpregnancy and the spread of infectious diseases. Condoms were introduced in South Africa, where many cases of rape occurred.
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